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1998-09-30 00:00:00 来源:马欣乐画册作者:费利普·波尔斯坦














  by Philip Pearlstein

  As a typical high school student (in the years before World War II changed the ethos of the USA), I did not bother to study a second language seriously. Ever since I have envied those who have mastered second and third languages. Often I have been dazzled by the way some people shift within the space of two syllables from one vocabulary and syntax to another. I believe that painting is also a language with its syntax defined by style; so I am dazzled by the mastery of the two languages I see in the paintings of Michael Xinle Ma. I am struck by duality boldly set forth without apology, and I feel that I must come to terms with that duality.

  From my study of the history of modern art, I have concluded that when an artist mixes styles in painting in a single work, that artist is creating in the mainstream of twentieth century art, which has largely been influenced by the literary/psychological idea of " stream of consciousness." Typically that artist creates a collage of juxtaposed, unrelated images. However, when the artist keeps those styles separate in a sequence of works, those sequences are usually referred to as " Periods" in the artist' s development. An example of that would be the " Blue" and " Rose" periods of Picasso.

  What, then, are we to say of Michael Ma' s practice of working in two separate styles at the same time? Michael Ma does not juxtapose these styles, or play them against each other. He keeps them completely separate, and each manner of working is conceived in its respective traditional materials. The ink paintings masterly displays of calligraphic virtuosity - are done on paper scrolls. The ambitious studies of still life objects and human figures are painted in canvas in atmospherically descriptive oil color. The calligraphic ink paintings use the Eastern tradition of allowing the figurative elements to float against the white background, which, I believe, is symbolic of the space of eternity. The studies of still-life objects and the nude human figures use the whole range of Western Renaissance techniques, including linear perspective and chiaroscuro to present the figures in the space defined by the walls of a room. The first style is purely symbolic; the second aims to create the illusion of reality.

  However, the longer I study Michael Ma' s paintings, I see that his Western mode is not as completely self-contained as I first thought. I sense a resolution in a third technical tradition in which the duality I outlined above is brought together. This tradition, I believe, grew out of the use of another painting medium: transparent water colors brushed freely onto the paper so that confining outlines of drawing are often ignored. This method originated in the Western Renaissance period with the artists' practice of making quick notations of compositional ideas, and in the preliminary studies or sketches of figures or landscapes for those compositions. The sketchbooks of Western artists are filled with such studied, which, by their improvisatory unfinished openness, allow the white paper background to play a primary role in the visual effect. Increasingly throughout the development of 19th-century European painting, this open sketch technique escapes the sketchbook and translates into freely brushed oil paint strokes, both thick and thin, on white canvas. Individual brushmark float against the white background, each brush mark descriptive of a bit of the atmosphere or of light reflecting off a particular surface, so that the artist partakes of both Eastern symbolism and Western illusionism: this is typified by the work of Cezanne.

  Probably Cezanne did not know that the white surface behind his scattered brushmarks carried the symbolic value of eternal space. But Michael Ma grew up breathing the Eastern tradition of painting that embodies that symbolism. His paintings reverse the equation in which Western painters have assimilated technically towards the East. Ma' s mastery of his inherited Eastern techniques assimilates Western illusionism. And that is what makes his oeuvre fascinating. The white paper of his ink paintings and the bits of sketchiness that imply glimpses of white canvas in his realist paintings are functioning the same way.

  In looking back over my own developments as an artist, I see that, when very young I started as a realist painter, but when I made the attempt to be a modernist painter, to at least travel parallel to the mainstream of twentieth century art, I explored the path of Cezanne, but as adapted to my own understanding of abstraction, relying on expressionism to fuse the two approaches. That fusion led me to paint expression landscapes, which gradually became more descriptive and less abstract as I painted directly on landscape sites. This, in turn, led me to paint the human figure directly from observation (as being more convenient than landscapes- the people who are my models come to my studio, rather than my going out of the city). So I feel that I have gone through a maturing process as a painter related to that of Michael Ma' s; a battle of languages.

  It pleases me very much that he has chosen as his dual painting style, " Realism," painting directly from visual observation the forms and atmosphere of nature, It is the most traditional of Western painting in recent centuries. And it is the most embattled in this century. Abstraction in its many variations has become dominant and allows artists great freedom in the expression of many conflicting messages, most of which would undermine traditional Western art. Perhaps Ma has not yet realized what an uncomfortable battle he has joined.

  New York





